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[2020 Orientation] The “Rising Generation” Rushes into the College - News on Orientation Day 2020 in LVTC

Updated:2020-12-04 17:53|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Shi Yudan from Publicity Department of the Party Committee, Luo Qiang from Admissions and Employment Office, Photos by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of the Party Committee, Wei Yaoye from School of Automotive Engineering, Qin Luying from CYL Committee of LVTC) It has been a long time since there was hubbub of voices due to the epidemic outbreaks, all these bubbled up on campus on October 10, 2020, the registration day for freshmen 2020 of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College. The campus was flooded with autumn sunlight, and the air was full of warmth and joy. To welcome new students, the whole college overflew with enthusiasm. There were three (3) registration sites in Shewan Campus and one (1) in Guantang Campus this year. If you want to know how the registration is going, let's go to the scene and have a look.

The big data system for freshmen registration is fast and efficient

Admissions and Employment Office was the first stop for the journalist to visit. What everyone didn't expect was that you can basically get the data you want with a single mouse click in the computer of Huang Li, Director of Admissions and Employment Office. What tool made it so amazing? Huang Li said that, it was Luo Qiang, a young teacher in the Office, who guided a group of students and alumni to work on a system that is customized for LVTC’s new recruits during the summer vacation. At present, various functions are still being improved, and the problems of student data islands need to be solved. However, it still shows its power. Real-time data statistics, paperless collection of student data for secondary schools, financial online payment and checking, issuance of campus card, automatic recognition by face recognition system for dormitory access control and other functions are integrated and completed in a system that makes the best use of data to cut back on time wasters, so that secondary schools can realize paperless registration.

On the evening of the 9th, more than 1,100 freshmen who were unable to hold back their excitement, showed up ahead of time. Facing the difficult enrollment situation, the College admitted 6,645 new students as planned, which increased by more than 600 compare with the past. And there were more new students from Hunan, Xinjiang, and Guangdong. “You won’t be surprised to see students wearing Tibetan clothes on campus from now on!” Huang Li said it with smile. It turned out that the College recruited 13 new students this year from Tibet for the first time. A total of 19 ethnic minority students from Zhuang, Yao, Dong, Miao, Mulao, Uyghur, Tibetan, Gelao, and Yi have entered LVTC to spend three years of wonderful college time.

Online payment for freshmen

Is it fast foe the freshmen to make online payment? The journalist saw at the payment site where people lined up in small groups and long queues disappeared. According to Mr. Li Weiguang, a teacher from financial department, students can pay their tuition fees by WeChat and Alipay online payment, and no cash payment required, which reduced a lot of workload. “There is almost no queue, we just need to match the data and information clearly in the background. It is very fast and convenient!” Many freshmen also reflected that online payment was quick and convenient, and they actually felt humanized service the College provided.

The College allocated RMB 200,000 in funding to care for poor students

On the morning of 10th, Liu Zilin, Secretary of Party Committee of LVTC, President Gan Jinming, Vice Presidents Wang Wei and Wei Lin visited the freshmen at 3 registration sites in Shewan Campus; in the afternoon, they came to No. 4 registration site of Guantang Campus to inspect and guide the registration work, and they asked about the registration status, encouraged freshmen to take the initiative to adapt to the new environment, to build good relations with roommates and classmates, and gave needy students with registered cards as a gift to encourage them to study hard and become a useful person in future.

Chen Hui, a teacher from Student Affairs Office, told us about the "Green Channel" that the College has opened for poverty-stricken students in 2020. Firstly, it applies for deferred payment of part of the tuition fees for students; secondly, it applies for deferred payment of all tuition for students whose families are particularly have financially difficulties; lastly, it provides students with temporary hardship grants. For freshmen with special financial difficulties, the “Green Channel” temporary hardship grant will be given at the standard of RMB 200 per person. The College has funded 1,000 students with a subsidy amount of RMB 200,000 in total and the subsidies will be transferred to the students’ electronic campus cards within two days.

The temporary hardship grant mainly supports poor students’ families registered with their local governments, poverty alleviation monitoring households, orphans, and rural/urban poverty relief groups, so as to achieve full coverage. There are also regular funded projects. For example, locally-granted student loan: freshmen who need to take a loan can enter their personal loan information online through the registration system and wait for the College's review, which can save time and improve efficiency; after that, all kinds of financial aids will be carried out, such as identification of poor students, national grants, tuition subsidies for secondary vocational promotion, etc.

"First Secretary" cares for poverty-stricken students

At 5:30 p.m., the journalist met Chen Yueming, the "First Secretary" of LVTC stationed in Batuan Village in Dudong Town, Sanjiang County, who drove his car specially to bring impoverished students for registration. Wu Junfei, a handsome boy at age of 18, learned that Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College is a good college when he was still at Batuan Village. After consulting Zhou Jichun, the former "First Secretary", and then Chen Yueming, the current "First Secretary", and Lu Gaofeng, the "First Secretary" of Yazhai Village, who has rich experience in applying for admission, he decided to apply for LVTC resolutely. Wu Junfei, a student at the School of Trade and Tourism Management, said that he would return to his hometown to become a tour guide after he finishes his studies. It is reported that a total of 6 students from the 5 impoverished villages assisted by the College have enrolled, among which 4 are poverty-stricken students.

Entrepreneurship practice in student societies has gained a lot of popularity

The striking scenery of the two campuses was no other than the student association stalls. There were all kinds of daily necessities, such as water basins, buckets, clothes racks, water cups, towels, toothbrushes, toothpastes. Shi Yong, a freshman of Mechanical and Electrical School from Shanglin County, Nanning, said, “Since we are all newcomers and are not familiar with the surrounding environment, it is very convenient for us to buy daily necessities at these stalls. We can buy anything we want!” And there are also many gains for old students.

In front of Building 1 of the student apartment at Guantang Campus, a long row of department stalls were welcoming their new visitors. "How much did you make today?" The journalist asked the students at the booth of the Logistics Association. "Ask the accountant." "It is estimated to be more than RMB 10,000" "The chairman is not there. He is working as a volunteer today." They answered fervidly. Wei Jianghe, a member of the association, said that these daily necessities were purchased on credit, and they would return the unsold goods to the boss afterwards, so that the principal was basically not used. The money earned would be used for future activities of the association. Lu Jianren, vice chairman of the association, said that setting up booths would help team members to deepen understanding and enhance friendship during the process. "Learning to sell goods let us know that every penny doesn't come easily," said Lin Yuwei, a student of Grade 2019 at the School of Electronic Information Engineering. Li Jiakun, a member of Boao Machinery Association, said: "Thanks to this platform and opportunity, I make a spurt of progress in terms of my eloquence. I was even an indoors man afraid to talk before."

As of 8 o'clock that night, a total of 5,994 freshmen have registered in the College, including 3,881 boys and 2,093 girls. The ratio of boys to girls was 65% to 35%, and the registration rate was 90.20%, which was a new high.


The orientation work proceeds in an orderly manner


My story with LVTC begins today


LVTC leaders go on a tour of inspection of the registration sites


Liu Zilin (in the middle), Secretary of Party Committee of LVTC, visits freshmen from ethnic minorities in their dormitories


President Gan Jinming (on the right) visits freshmen in their dormitories